thoughts & opinions from a mom, surgeon & aficionado of life

Tag: inspiration

It’s time for maintenance

I opened Nike Run last week… accidentally, of course, I had no intent of running … And it said my last run was in MARCH!!!! Well, at least it was March 2016, but really?? To my credit, I’ve been swimming 2-3x per week, but for me, that’s really not enough. I have to balance out the routine with yoga or running or paddleboarding, or (God forbid, because I really hate this one) weights. Otherwise, I kinda start falling apart, hips, lower back, the ever dreaded sciatica. The human body is demanding and it needs regular maintence, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. For me, a lot of these goals can be achieved during exercise. 

So, it’s past time to get back into running… The only hurdles? My mind (the biggest) and this…

Gotta love Miami! Getting back in shape  takes a little courage with a heat index of 104. The little whiny me is going to require a couple smacks and at least one cup of coffee to get a move on. 

Just as I head out the door it POURS rain for 5 mins… I try to convince myself it’s a sign from God to take my shoes off, but I know proper maintenance starts today. So as soon as the typhoon passes I head out. 

It’s humid. It’s beautiful. It’s so damn hot I’m questioning my sanity, when I see this:

Ok, yea,  I took a little break to take a photo… What the heck! It is my first run in 4 months! Anyway, who can’t enjoy a run with a rainbow?  Sure, there were several complaints from my knees and my left foot, but in the end, the pounding of my heart just bursts into the feeling of pure joy. Truly I am grateful that I am able to run, that my body is able, my mind is able, my city is safe enough and despite the humidity (that resembles a steamroom) that is so beautiful that it would be hard not to enjoy a run! Just check out my favorite tree! (Ok… A short break for a little picture… )

I get home completely drenched (no.. It didn’t rain again), but happy and I feel accomplished to be back on track! 

Get out there and get to it!


DO IT! For you.

I’m lying on the floor, drenched in sweat. The room is dim. I can hear the sound of the pouring rain and the sweat rolling off my face and shoulders drip, drip, dripping on the mat. It’s over. My eyes close to the smell of lavender being sprayed in the air and immediately  I focus on a little spinning swirl of light in my head… red with yellow in the middle, like a hurricane radar map. The more I relax, the more it smooths out surrounded by a pale blue ring. The music changes and swells up and down and I hear children laughing in and out like they’re all spinning on one side of a merri go round. One of them is my daughter, and I distinctly recognize her joyous laugh. I feel my face relax and smile. Happy. Peaceful.

579 kcal, exhausted, rewarded….

It’s good for my body.

it’s good for my mind.

it’s good for my mood.

it’s good for me… and so that hour I just used… It’s good for my children, my husband, my coworkers, my friends and my patients. 

Do it for them. Do it for you. Do it.


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